Ladies county report
The season started back in April with three ladies trialllng for the Johns and Walker Cup teams. Jackie was selected for both and Lesley was travelling reserve.
Then came the competitions and the ladies Thornbery squad were defeated in the first round away at Banister Park to a strong team.
In the other competitions, a good number of ladies entered with some achieving better results than others. Jackie was knocked out in the preliminary round of the 4 wood singles but had a better result in the 2 woods, reaching the County Finals but losing on the last end of the final game to miss out by the finest of margins on a trip to the National Finals at Leamington. Four teams entered the pairs with the pairings of Cynthia and Sue, and Lesley and Jackie, losing in the third round. In the triples and fours we lost early in the first and second rounds. Better news in the Golden Girls (for all young ladies over 70), with Sue Milton and Cathy Hopwood reaching the county finals on 6 August at 10am, playing at Banister Park where they will play Helen Blackiston and Christine Pentelow from Ringwood. Our best wishes to them both and supporters would be very welcome.
Finally, we had the Mixed Top Club, which has five disciplines: male and female singles; a mixed pair; triples; and fours. Sadly we were knocked out in the third round by Banister Park, having already beaten Romsey and Meon Valley. My thanks go to all the players involved and also the markers.
Jackie K.